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우분투 (Ubuntu)

Ubuntu 16.04 xrdp error solution guide

* This is a solution guide on various xrdp errors that are spread all over google.

* The main cause of the error is the bug in the updated xrdp, which you will get if you do not specify the version when installing xrdp. You need to get 0.6.1-2 version by downgrading and then block automatic update. 
* For Ubuntu 18.04, xrdp 0.6.1-2 version is depricated so you'll need to get the installation pack by hand. Teamviewer also crashes frequently so I recommend to use 16.04. 

$ sudo apt-get update 
$ sudo apt-get upgrade 
$ sudo apt-get remove xrdp vnc4server tightvncserver 
$ sudo apt-get install tightvncserver 
$ sudo apt-get install xrdp=0.6.1-2 


If xrdp does not show anything, it means that the xrdp can not handle the ubuntu default GUI. Let's use a more light GUI, xfce4. You'll see a blue mouse screen after installing instead of the purple patterns but no problem in using. Install xfce4 and tell  ubuntu you will use this as your default session.

$ sudo apt-get install xfce4 
$ echo "xfce4-session">~/.xsession 
$ /etc/init.d/xrdp start


Disable auto update by writing the following to a file named xrdp at /ect/apt/preferences.d/ location.

$ cd /etc/apt/preferences.d/ 
$ sudo vim xrdp 

Write this.

Package: xrdp 
Pin: version 0.6.1-2 
Pin-Priority: 1000 

Now your good to go!